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Pet Photo Guide

Step 1: Taking a great photo for a portrait

Example of a good pose for a pet portrait

*The best images are at eye level, not looking down at the pet. 

*Your pet facing slightly left or right showing the features of the head works well.

*Soft lighting is better than bright sunlight because it avoids dark shadows and glaring highlights. This is especially so with black and white dogs. 

*Profiles (side views) work for certain long-nosed dogs such as greyhounds & collies.

*If your pet is facing the camera be sure the nose is not disproportionately enlarged. To resolve this, retake with the camera at least three feet away from your pet. 

*Having a toy in its mouth obscures the pet's natural features making for a poor portrait. The more natural the pose the more character we see of the dog. 

Step 2: Four Common Mistakes to Avoid

Camera too close to the subject


Lighting so harsh there are no details to work with.


Too much toy & not enough pet.


Too much surround and not enough dog.

For ideal poses see the Pet Portraits Page.


Portraits usually take 4 to 6 weeks.

I promise you the wait will be worth it.

A: When you have a good photo for me to work from, email it by clicking the button below. 

When I have confirmed that I can work from the photo the order is booked.

B. Secure your booking with a deposit of £50 to Lloyds Bank;

Account Name: Rosa L Tuffney

Account Number: 1765 0068

Sort Code: 30-98-61

Sit back and let us do the rest. 

Studio: 16 Aspen Way, Moorhayes Park, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 6UJ

Tel: 01884 232975 - M: 07890 643698  


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